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Good News – January 2021

Mission Practice in a Pandemic

The Toler Resource Center for Pastoral Leadership has as its three mission pillars to provide
those in ministry the resources that help inspire their calling, encourage character development
and equip them to grow in their competencies. Dr. Rick Harvey, Executive Director of the Toler
RCPL at SNU, felt that this submission might speak into some pastors’ hearts and inspire,
encourage and equip someone today; and so, he invites you to read the following – from a
pastor’s perspective – and, if you so desire, send your thoughts and comments via email to
rcpl@techgyaani.com. (The survey referenced was executed by the RCPL at SNU in May of 2020 as the
pandemic was unfolding and is available for review on this site.)

About Pastor Craig:
Craig Shepperd has served as Lead Pastor at Guymon, Oklahoma Church of the Nazarene since
May of 2018. Previously he and his wife Anita served as pastor to youth and youth adults in
Norman, Oklahoma, as well as the Nazarene Student Center at the University of Oklahoma and
the Church of the Nazarene as missionaries in Kosovo and Croatia. Craig holds a B.A. in
Christian Education from Southern Nazarene University and a Master of Divinity from Nazarene
Theological Seminary. He is in process of completing his doctorate at Fuller Theological
Seminary. He enjoys watching and playing sports, reading, traveling, and playing around with
his son Jude and daughter Edie.

Click here to read Pastor Shepperd’s submission “Mission Practice in a Pandemic“.

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